Coops- 2 different coops for your farm/bird exhibits.
Bird Nest Boxes- Bird nesting boxes in 3 sizes for your zoo.
Gazebo Aviary- A small aviary to house birds. Can be enclosed with low or invisible fence.
Wood Aviary- Small aviary for birds. Can be enclosed with low or invisible fence.
Round Aviary- Rounded aviary. Can be enclosed with low or invisible fence.
Tire Pyramid- Two sizes, large and small. Great for primates! One side, so you can make a pyramid or leave one wall.
2 sets of half buried tires. One with planks, one with just tires.
4 Feed pails for your animals. Water, fruit, fish, and empty
2 Feed tables for your animals. One fish, and one fruit
Metal Animal Doors- One open, one closed.